Sunday, July 27, 2008


The theme has been water for the weekend.Saturday we went to the Bass Pro Shop and Zach was in love with the aquarium. The whole store is like a zoo for the timid. Everything is stuffed so he didn't have any fears. Some of the catfish weighed more than my toddler and boy were they ugly. One little fish was in love with Zach and kept trying to play with him. Zach really enjoyed it! Today we did our first trek up to the big pool. Zach started a bit timid, but by the time we wanted to leave we had to drag him out! He loves his new life vest, but he still needed to hold on to our hands.

Mom's eye view

Happy baby feet!

1 comment:

Kristine said...

Your pictures look great the way you posted them. I like the small ones too, side by side. You always have the cutest fet pictures.

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