Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Everything is a miracle

“There are only two ways to live your life: as though nothing is a miracle, or as though everything is a miracle.” -Albert Einstein 

There was a time when I would always be looking toward the next big thing and get really depressed when something I was working up to was “over”.  Christmas this year was different. You see I view every day differently now. I don’t look for the big moments of joy, I make the little moments throughout my life. I find the joy in the mundane because the mundane fills far more of my life than the big “memory worthy” moments. The mundane is where life truly happens. I don’t need to sit and wait for joy to come with the next vacation, holiday, weekend etc. instead I choose to live in joy and gratitude for as many moments I can. It’s not always easy but it’s worth the effort. 

My “Project You 2.0: a deep dive into loving yourself” workshop  will help us dive into the work that needs to be done to look for the joy in the small moments, to appreciate the life we have and to live in gratitude. I’m going to take little tidbits from each of the courses and workshops I have done over the last few years and help others see that joy does not need to be elusive or fleeting. We don’t need the next big thing! It’s here with us already. 

Monday, December 24, 2018

Remember to make memories

In this time of crazy, take time to breath, take time to rest, take time to rejuvenate. Be in the moment and create the memories. While giving and getting gifts is fun, remember the moments are worth so much more. From our family to yours, we wish you a joyous Christmas and holiday season!

Friday, December 21, 2018

Bring the JOY

Don’t forget to bring the JOY to the season. It’s so easy to get stressed out and forget the true purpose  for this amazing holiday season. It’s a time to take a step back and truly appreciate everything we have been given in this life. Time to enjoy the little moments and the big moments too because memories can be made in both instances. It’s a time to give of your heart and your time, not just your finances. You may not have a lot of money to give but you do have heart and time. Be the person who makes a diffeeence in someone’s day. Perhaps your smile, holding the door, paying for a coffee could change someone’s perspective and cause a ripple effect. Remember, it does not take much to bring the JOY!

Welcome back to blogging!

Let's start fresh! So much has changed in the last 3 years and honestly I have been "blogging" more on Instagram than this page, it appears! Going to make a change for 2019 and that means I'll be here sharing my journey more often.  What a long and amazing journey it has been!  I'll give you the brief synapse of what we have been up to! Zach is now in middle school and loving it, Ava is in 5th grade and going through the normal 5th grade girl stuff. Dear lord please help me! This parenting gig gets so different as the years go on.  I would go back to the baby and toddler days any day over tween drama.

As for me, I finally took control of my health once and for all.  Adopted a whole new lifestyle that has brought me so much joy and a sense of purpose.  Turns out  I am a helper and I love to see people set goals and achieve them.  I've been slaying goals and helping others do the same for the last two  years.  It's been pretty amazing!

Yeah, that's me! I did a thing. I never thought in a million years I would do this but I competed in my first fitness competition.  Me! How crazy is that? It's amazing what some confidence and proper nutrition can do for a girl! 

That's not all though, our family has been up to some great things.  Traveling, learning, growing as people.  All because we have been blessed with this amazing opportunity to do more and be better.  

We can't wait to see what 2019 has in store for us! 
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