My layout for the battle of the creative teams at DigiscrapAddicts.com I am on the team for Shanmomto4 Designs and this may be my favorite layout to date! I love that I love my designers! (www.funkyplaygrounddesigns.com)
I got a great opportunity this week to create for my friend Laura Marie of LauraMarie Scraps. This No Fear Heroes kit is adorable! (www.enchantedstudios.com)
Could this be any cuter? Little Spooks from LCC by Amy Stoffel. (www.scraporchard.com)
A modern kit for the Modern Baby! I have been meaning to scrap this picture of Zach because it's one of my favorites of him as a baby. Kit from LCC by Amy Stoffel
Our trip to the patch last weekend made me realize poor Zach didn't have a bunch of pages to document his life like Ava does. Here he is at 1 year old. Amy's Pick of the Patch (at sunshine studios right now for her guest designer gig) fit these pictures so well! Love the one of him eating the pumpkin!
These Fall Fun Templates by Scrapping with Liz are perfect for layouts with tons of pictures!
Pretty as a Princess by Amy and Tiny Dot Boarders from Liz work so well together.
Sweet Halloween by Lyndsay Riches (love those gummy bears!)
Yo-ho, yo-ho! A Pirate's Life for Me from Amy is perfect for Zach right now. He loves to play pirates and hit his daddy with swords.
Love this girl! The October Fruit Basket at Scrap Orchard is super fun to work with.